Archives: 2020
How Is Contractors General Liability Insurance Different From Standard Commercial Liability Insurance?
Posted: June 19, 2020
Any business needs general liability insurance. Contractors, subcontractors, and independent tradesmen need this type of coverage, not only to protect their business, but often as a requirement for the job. Trades that need contractors general liability insurance include construction, carpenters, plumbers, electricians, painters, and masons. What Is Standard Commercial Liability Insurance? Commercial general liability (CGL) insurance protects a business from financial loss due to liability...
Share Your Driving Data To Potentially Help Lower Business Auto Insurance Costs
Posted: June 19, 2020
EnRoute, Erie Insurance’s commercial telematics program, makes it easy for business auto insurance customers to share their driving data and thereby potentially lower business auto premiums and reduce driving risk. EnRoute uses driving and vehicle data from telematics devices to help business owners recognize how choices, such as routes, driver actions, and the types of vehicles driven, affect driving performance and safety. The program works with...
Avoid Common Home Accidents During The Summer
Posted: June 16, 2020
Summer is the season of outdoor adventures such as swimming, boating, and trips. It is also a time when many minor or more serious accidents can occur. The following tips can help you keep your family and friends safer by preventing some common summertime home accidents and injuries. Sunburn Damage from the sun is one of the most common injuries during the warmer months. Severe...
5 Customer Expectations That Might Outlast COVID-19
Posted: June 12, 2020
While we can’t predict exactly when the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic will pass, it’s safe to assume one thing: The virus will impact the way you do business and your customers’ expectations for years to come. (See the latest updates on how ERIE is supporting customers during this unprecedented time in our COVID-19 Information Center.) Over the past few months, there’s been no shortage of...
A Homeowner’s Guide To Door Locks
Posted: June 11, 2020
When it comes to protecting your home, a locked door is your first line of defense. (Having the right homeowners insurance can give you peace of mind, too.) But studies show that a few good kicks or a couple of minutes with a power drill are often enough to break through most door locks. And more than half of burglaries in 2017 involved forcible entry....